Lower My Bill

Actions you can take to be Energy Wise

Consumption Concerns

Members who have concerns about a high electric bill may contact our Member Services Department at extension 1880 to discuss those concerns. We are able to provide to our members a complete history of their electrical usage. This information is helpful in determining whether the increase is relative to the past month or over the same time a year ago. Additional information may also be available through our office, concerning your electrical use. After initial conversations, a representative may be available to complete a field check to determine additional information. After this inspection, the representative would be glad to discuss further options in discerning consumption and charges.

Payment Inquiries & Arrangements

Members may contact our Member Support Department at extension 1820 for questions about billing status, payments received or requests for payment arrangements. Requests for assistance through Project emPower or other energy assistance programs can be discussed in this department.

How do I Lower My Bill (PDF)